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    7262 1 0 2013-12-12 21:45:52

    举办时间 2013年11月至2014年3月

    举办地点 上海当代艺术博物馆
    主办单位 上海市文学艺术界联合会 上海市文化广播影视管理局
    承办单位 上海市创意设计工作者协会 上海当代艺术博物馆

    November 2013– March 2014
    Power Station of Art
    Shanghai Federation of Literary and Art Circles
    Shanghai Municipal Administration of CultureRadioFilm&TV
    Shanghai Designers Association
    Power Station of Art

    展览溯源 (BACKGROUND)

    展览自2000年创办,每两年举办一届,至今已成功举办了六届,旨在推动上海创意设计发展,培育具有创新开拓精 神的设计师,打造具有上海城市特色的文化品牌项目,已成为上海文化艺术领域具有极大专业影响力的品牌活动之 一。2011年第六届展览由上海市文联主办,上海市创意设计工作者协会承办,展示和推出了一批优秀设计师和创意 设计理念,也为打造国际级专业奖项——“上海设计奖”打下基础。为进一步建设上海国际文化大都市,推动文化大 发展大繁荣,2013年展览更名为“上海艺术设计展SHANGHAI DESIGN EXHIBITION”,将面向国内外设计师, 致力于打造具有专业性、创新性、引领性的当代艺术设计双年展。
    This biannual exhibition was first founded in 2000 and has been successfully held by six sessions. With the purpose to stimulate development of Shanghai's creative design, cultivate designers with pioneering spirit as well as build a cultural brand project with urban characteristics,the exhibition has already become one of the most influential events in Shanghai's culture life. The sixth exhibition was hosted by Shanghai Federation of Literary and Art Circles and organized by Shanghai Designers Association, it showcased a series of excellent design ideas from our outstanding designers and meanwhile layed a foundation for the “Shanghai Design Award”.2013 Shanghai Design Exhibition will be open to designers home and abroad to bring to us a professional, pioneering and innovative art design biannual.

    设计引领创意生活  Design lead to Creative life
    美学建构理想城市  Aesthetics construct ideal city

    城市化是人类当代文化的新阶段,今日世界各国无不以追求或完善“城市化”作为主要目标。在影响城市发展的诸种 因素中,“设计”是最重要的中介物之一。设计不仅通过“物”的大众消费改变日常生活,同时也通过“物体系”建 立起行为的社会机制,影响了城市的面貌和品格。
    本届展览以“美学城市Aesthetics City”为主题,旨在提倡“设计引领创意生活,美学建构理想城市”的美好愿 景。“美学”是城市和设计之间最具特色的思想纽带,“美学城市”以批评和探索的角度思考城市化进程中经历的城 市化、郊区城市化、逆城市化、再城市化过程所出现的问题,通过“设计”探索人与自然和谐、城乡共荣的城市化模 式。展览将从多方面具有创新和启迪意义的案例展示,呈现给市民和观众一种新的设计和生活理念,从而推动上海以 至全国的艺术设计和创意产业的发展。

    Urbanization is the new stage of contemporary culture. Pursuing and improving urbanization has become one of the main purposes of countries in the world. Design is an important element that will effect city's development. Design can change people's life through daily consumption, affect social behavior and city's characters.
    The exhibition titled Aesthetics City aims at promoting the idea about a promising future, that is, design brings creativity to life while an ideal city is built upon aesthetics. A city shares an intellectual bond with design which is Aesthetics. Aesthetics City discusses the problems resulting from the modernization from the perspectives of both critics and developers and meanwhile explores a way of modernization through design which makes human and nature, cities and countries exist in harmony. The exhibition will present several cases of creativity and inspiration in various aspects to show the brand new concept of design and lifestyle so that Shanghai and even China will witness a huge breakthrough in the design and creativity industry.

    专题展 (Special Exhibition)
    将通过设计与下列关系来展开:思想、行为与城市性格;城市规划、建筑风貌(旧城改造;历史建筑的再生性保 护);社区、街道生活、公共景观;居住、生活用具、娱乐、时尚;交互、数字化生存,交通、网络城市;进城与出 城(城与乡、城中村);公共生活与公共艺术“城市艺术家”、创意产业园等。
    This part will through the design and the following relationship to exhibit:Idea, behavior and city's character; urban planning,architecture (transformation of the old city, historical building's protection); community, street, public landscape; living, household items,entertainment, fashion; interaction, digital life, transportation, network city; into the city and out of city (city and countryside, village in the city); public life and public art;city artists, creative industry park.
    邀请展 (Invitational Exhibition)
    将通过设计学院的城市观察(世界多所设计学院的城市设计作业及工作坊)、时尚城市(品牌与大众文化消费)、城 市设计案例、创意链接(设计师、设计产品交流)、提名设计师奖作品展等方面来组织作品。
    This part will through the following aspects to exhibit: City's observation from design colleges (urban design art works and workshops from 12 famous design colleges in the world);Fashion City(Brand and Public Culture Consumer);City examples (Germany, UK, Italy and so on); Creative Links( Designer、 Design products exchange) ; Nominate Designer Award Exhibition.

    主策展人 (CURATOR)

    杭间 Hang Jian
    中国美术学院美术馆馆长,教授 北京国际设计三年展主策展人 中国设计大展跨界板块主策展人
    Vice-dean of China Academy of Art, Art History Professor?He was the curator of Beijing International DesignTriennial2011.In2012,hewasthe curator of China Design Exhibition 2012.

    朱国荣 Guo rong Zhu
    上海市美术家协会副主席 第一至五届“上海美术大展·上海设计展”负责人
    Vice-President of Shanghai Artists Association?He was the curator of “Shanghai Artists Exhibition · Shanghai Design Exhibition” from NO.1 to NO.5

    场馆建筑主体长128米,宽70米,高50米,建筑面积31088平方米。高达165米的钢筋混凝土烟囱笔直高耸,具有极 强的标志性,见证了中国近代工业的发展历程,昭示着浦江两岸新一轮的历史机遇和文化创造。改建后,其建筑面积 将增加至4万多平方米,展陈面积达到1.5万平方米,拥有12个展厅。
    The main structure is 128 meters long, 70 meters wide and 50 meters high, and the complex covers an area of 31,088 square meters. The impressively soaring 165-meter-high chimney, made of reinforced concrete, bears witness to the ups and downs of modern industry in China, and points to the new historical opportunity and cultural creation across the Huangpu River, in Pudong. After renovation, the area of the structure will be enlarged to 41,200 square meters, and the exhibition area will be expanded from 9,000 to 15,000 square meters.
    联络方式 (CONTACT US)

    地址:中国 上海 延安西路238号 405室 Address: 405, 238 Yan An (W) Rd. 邮箱(E-mail):sde_2013@126.com 电话 (Tel): +021 62483323*285 传真(Fax): +021 62489792 联系人(Contact):
    周琪 Zhou Qi 戴思立 Dai Sili
    官方网站(Official Website) : www.shanghai-da.com www.powerstationofart.org/cn/

    官方微博(Sina Weico):@上海艺术设计展