    粉丝:166 关注:191

    Brand Spirit

    1594 0 0 2013-07-30 13:29:25
    Brand Spirit 22/100, Coca-Cola, was recently featured on the cover of the German magazine Brand Eins! 
    Brand Spirit: every day for 100 days, I will paint one branded object white, removing all visual branding, reducing the object to its purest form. I can purchase each object for less than $10, it can be something I own, something another person gives me, or something I find. Brand Spirit has been featured on Swiss Miss, PSFK, Gizmodo, Adweek, The Next Web, Trendland, Huffington Post Art, Huffington Post Comedy, Hypebeast, Business Insider, Fast Company Design, and the Tumblr Storyboard. 
